Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 4 and Day 5

I think weekends are always difficult, or at least they are for me. I was craving my usual weekend foods, cheeseburgers, fries, pop, pizza-  but I was good! Stuck to my healthy eating! :) 

Saturday 1/11/14

Breakfast was: a Chocolate mocha meal replacement shake.

Missed my snacks both times this day from being a little to busy. 

Lunch: leftover veggie speghetti with the broccoli slaw. This reheated ok- it got mushy/ old real fast. 

Dinner I tried out a new recipe, since I was craving cheeseburgers I did a little Pinterest looking for a "healthy" cheeseburger. I found this recipe in my search spinach and feta turkey burgers-
They were delicious! I served up a side of homemade sweet potato fries.
They were a hit even with my toughest critics: I got two thumbs up! 

Sunday morning I had half a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a spark.

Snack was an apple.

We grabbed lunch on the way home from  church. My kids French fries smelled so good- but I had a grilled chicken salad a baked potato with coconut butter. There's really no smell or taste to the butter, but it was enough to trick me into believing I had a buttered baked potato. 

Dinner I made a quiche and a fruit salad. The girls didn't like this as much, but I loved it. 

Over all I would have to say I did pretty good over the weekend. I had fun trying and making new recipes. I love cooking, it's relaxing and fun to me. 

I am happy to start seeing the numbers on the scale go down.  One day at a time I WILL get to where I wanna be! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 3

Again another day of the same morning: 
I am so glad that I won't have to drink the fiber drink for a few days! The break from it is always welcomed! 😜😋

For breakfast I had my scrambled eggs and veggies topped with salsa and avocado, and the rest of my spark. 

Today was kinda crazy. I started looking through old pictures and then my morning was shot! I didn't get to eat lunch until about 2- because I had to feed everyone else first! Ahh the life of a mama! (I love every single second!) 
This is one of the "old" pictures I found. This is my husband and I in our engagement picture in 2005. I couldn't tell you my weight back then, but this is my goal! I wanna get back to this size by the end of this year. Total weight loss would be around 50-60lbs! Then the ultimate goal is to keep it off! 

Lunch was an expirement that turned out really yummy and messy! I made taco lettuce wraps, which turned into a taco bowl because of the mess. 

I had left over taco turkey meat that I mixed with a little brown rice and some black beans, topped with Jalapeños, avocados, and salsa. 

Dinner was delicious! I made a lemon garlic pork roast with rosemary garlic potatoes and broccoli.

I think for dessert I will have another no bake cookie while I still have some left and maybe a small glass of almond milk to go with it! 

Ending my day cuddling on the couch with my family for movie night.  ❤️
There is no where else in the world I would rather be! I am so blessed and love them all so much! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 2

Day 2 started out the same. Fiber drink (bleck- it's so hard to choke it down, but I do because I know the health benefits are worth it. )  3 catalyst and my orange spark. 

Breakfast was 2 hard boiled eggs and some grapefruit. 

Snack was an clementine orange and some pistachios. 

My sister came down to pick up her 24 day challenge kit and we ended up going to Chick fil a for lunch. The kids and I had been cooped up in the house since Sunday so getting out of the house was nice. 

For lunch I had an Asian salad with grilled chicken and a fruit cup, with water to drink. 

Ended up skipping my afternoon snack but added some lemons and ginger to my water. It was nice and refreshing as my oldest and I worked on her school work for the day.

During the summer I make veggie spaghetti sauce a lot. I had some left over so I just pulled it out of the freezer to make for dinner. I also tired something I had seen on Pinterest, instead of eating the whole grain pasta that I had made for my family- I used broccoli slaw. I sautéed it in EVOO with garlic and onion and it was pretty yummy! 

Still wanting something for dessert, and getting questions about the chocolate craving that chicks get- I wanted to try a recipe I had found. It was for No Bake Cookies using additional Advocare products.  I made them using a muscle gain shake mix, peanut butter, almond milk and oatmeal. While they don't look very appitizing, they were pretty tasty. 

Day 2 went pretty well, I am hoping to get back to the Y on Monday. Adding exercise will only help me get to where I wanna be in the long run. 

2014- Challenge Accepted

I have decided that this is the year that I will finally lose all my 'baby weight'. After having my son and losing weight during the pregnancy I figure I've got a head start so why not keep going. I'm excited to start my 24 Day Challenge, a product bundle from Advocare that can help you start losing weight or get you over a hump if you've stopped losing weight. I have seen these products work first hand in my mother and father inlaw. They have been taking Advocare products for 2 years, but their journey all started with the 24 day challenge. I would say they have had amazing results: but the picture speaks for itself!  

    I have decided I want to blog/journal my challenge this time around. I think it will help me keep track of my progress better and can be a resource for future challenges or people looking for information on Advocare or the challenge?! :) So without further ado- here it goes

Day 1: weigh in: 203lbs 
waist: 47inches chest: 41.5inches

Breakfast: Orange Spark, 3 Catalyst, Herbal Clease drink and
Scrambled eggs with ham,onions, peppers topped with salsa and avocado, and 2 links of turkey sausage. Water to drink. 

I missed my morning snack today- homeschooling and taking care of a newborn are a blessed challenge all on their own.

Lunch: 1/2 a cucumber topped with Jalapeno and cilantro hummus and sliced  turkey. Water to drink. 

Afternoon snack: While I had my oldest and youngest napping, my middle child and I enjoyed some apples and cashews; while watching looney tunes. She loves the bird and cat so much! :) 

Dinner: a bowl of turkey taco soup topped with green onion and avocado. 
It was delishious and warmed me up. Had some pink lemonade spark to drink. 

To make the soup, I just threw somethings together in the crock pot- pretty much whatever sounded good when in there. It was loaded with veggies which makes it challenge friendly. If your not on the cleanse phase then topping with a little cheese and sour cream would be yummy! Here are the pictures of what went into it, I also added ground turkey meat, cooked up with taco seasoning. 

I ended up with peanut butter and banana as a before bedtime snack. I was still a little hungry- and that hit the spot. 

Overall I think Day 1 went over really well! Looking forward to seeing the results at the end of my challenge. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

From my phone....

I can post from my iPhone!! What??? Lol- I think I will finally start blogging again??? I will probably start a new one in October called everyday for a year- I want to take pictures everyday for a year of our new addition (due in October) and just our life as we live it! 😍

Kinda like this: girls up and watching Sesame Street! 😏

As you can tell- its been a super super long time since my last post! I'm horrible at keeping up with things! Kaylie will be 3 in 2 weeks- I can't believe how fast the time is going! I wish it would freeze! She's so adorable, fun, lovable! Perfect all around! She's my favorite Kaylie Eryn! ❤ 

Ren is 5- and we just finished our first year of homeschooling! She did great even on the bad days! We'll be starting 1st grade in July to get a head start before the baby comes! Ren is growing up even faster and it makes me sad since she was my first baby! She's 5 going on 35 most days! I love her spirit and her love for her sister (when she's not trying to kill her as sisters do) and her love for the new baby! She is so excited she can't stand it! Lol-

Both girls are looking forward to being in their Aunt Katie's wedding in 16 DAYS! I on the other hand am an emotional mess- and randomly break down in tears! I am ecstatic for her- and can't believe she's getting married at the same time! ❤😭😋

Well that about catches you up on everyone- 
Until next time- be a blessing because you are blessed-  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Still no good at

blogging! Even though I think about doing it all the time! Sorry Bug~

Maybe I should just add it to my daily list of things I need to do~ I don't have to write a 1,000 words everytime I sit down!

Right now I am in the office typing and you are sitting behind me getting into all of the homeschooling craft supplies! You are so much fun!! And a job and a half to look after! You are 16 months now~ wow~ well on your way to turning two! STOP IT~~ I didn't say that you could do that~ ;)p Getting so big and learning so much! Still not a talker~ but you do understand alot! You really are super smart! You and sissy both!
Well baby cakes~ mama needs to go make dinner! Love you so much!! <3 mommy~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My dearest Kaylie Eryn

(I am so sorry that I haven't kept up on your blog or taken as many pictures of you as I did your sister.:( I hope this coming year I will get better at it! )
~ Its been a busy crazy year! Having two precious ones to take care of everyday is an amazing challenge! I love you two goofies so much! You both make every day worth waking up for!
I love you my beautiful little Kaylie! You are such an amazing little girl with all the attitude and joy you have and give! I can not believe that you are a year old today! It doesn't even seem possible! I feel like I just brought you home from the hospital and I am still trying to learn how to be a mommy to two! :) My bug~ from the moment I heard you cry~ I was so in love with you! This past year has been the most amazing year! I couldn't not have imagined it with out you! You have made our life complete! <3
I pray my precious one that you will always know how special you are to me. I love you my beautiful Kaylie Eryn~~ Happy First Birthday!! Love ~ Mommy